Sunday, July 27, 2014

As to Be Seen

The dark sky loomed across as if it would never end 
as I tried to imagine what lay ahead
when all that I could see was darkness.

Then a sudden burst of light came ahead. 

The fog lifts and the mist clears as you are woken from your slumber.
You ask your self,
"What happened? Was it just a dream?"
Then it dawns on you that nothing is ever as it seems.

You walk ahead of a crowd that never seems to move 
as it holds and straps you down
keeping you from what you wish to see
as well as what you wish to feel.

To feel, to feel
to be able to know what is right and what is wrong. 
They tell you,
"No! That cannot be. That cannot happen. That dream cannot ever occur."
But you wish it would.
You wish that the world be so limitless that it shan't ever hold anything back. 
That it shall be revealed that neverland is real and faeries exist,
that one day a letter will come and sweep you away
away from the past and the present. 

Then the moment comes when you really truly do wake. 

And you see everything as it is to be seen. 

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