Wednesday, April 1, 2015

How to Hold a Potter Party: A Visual Guide

An overview 

 Recreate the iconic Platform 9 and 3 quarters by cutting up various hues of brown coloured paper. Paste them in a brick-like pattern to create the wall. Print outs of the logo are available online. 

 You can use everyday things, such as a bike, to add accents to your party. 

 Display all of your memorabilia into a shrine for all things Potter. 


 DIY wands made out of chopsticks, glue, and paint. 

To simulate the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall, I decided to use tissue paper rolls, glue, coloured paper, and string to form the floating candles! 

Overall, decorating for a Potter Party takes hard work and dedication. This is why it doesn't hurt to ask for help! (I do hope that in a way, this article helped you). 

Stay bookish, 

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